Monday, October 12, 2015

Vital Helps Brian Joslyn Share His Personal Story About Becoming A Criminal Defense Attorney

Vital Companies recently collaborated with Joslyn Law Firm to help Brian Joslyn share his personal story about why he became a criminal defense attorney.

Watch him tell his story in the video we created for him below:

"In his late teens, Brian was a victim of police brutality. This experience was the catalyst in his goal to defend the rights of others. While attending a campus block party at Ohio State University, Brian stood on a private lawn holding a milk carton. As the crowds grew, police arrived to maintain order. Instead, utter chaos ensued. The assembly of students was thrown into disarray as the police sprayed tear gas everywhere.  Brian was hit in the forehead with a tear gas canister, a blow which threw him to the ground and nearly rendered him unconscious. Frightened and disoriented, he remained in a defenseless posture, while inhaling fumes from the canister at his side. People stampeded by him in fear. Those who didn’t flee were arrested..." 

You can read more about Brian's story here.

Although Brian was later found not guilty on all criminal charges, this event shaped who he is today as a criminal attorney. Brian founded Joslyn Law Firm with the mission of strongly advocating for the rights of men, women, and minors who face criminal charges. We enjoyed having the opportunity to create these videos for him to help share his story!

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