Tuesday, October 27, 2015

THREAD and the Sam's Fans Foundation: Supporting Music Therapy in Hospitals

Two years ago, Nikki McCarthy hosted an inaugural fundraising race in honor of her daughter Sam. The race was a success and Nikki was able to make a generous donation to the Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, the organization dedicated to finding a cure for the disease that took Sam’s life nearly six years ago.
Buoyed by the support she received with the race, Nikki decided to take the next step and fulfill her goal of establishing Sam’s Fans, a permanent foundation in Sam’s honor.

Sam was first diagnosed with Fanconi Anemia when she was six years old. For five years Sam’s doctors were able to keep her healthy and active and during that time she did what many girls do — she played with her friends, listened to music, went to school, and was a great big sister to her three little brothers. At the age of 11, however, Sam’s bone marrow began failing and she was hospitalized at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital where she underwent a bone marrow transplant.
For those who don’t know, a bone marrow transplant is an extensive process that requires weeks, and in cases like Sam’s, months, of time spent isolated in a hospital room.
These rooms are necessarily sterile environments filled with machines and technology. The days drag on and are dominated by medical jargon and measurements. But thankfully, there are art and music therapists who visit the children regularly. These therapists are there to remind them that even though their faces are swollen and their hair has fallen out that they are still beautiful and can make beautiful things to hear and see. The Sam’s Fans foundation is dedicated to helping support these therapists and the children they serve.

In honor of this mission, THREAD, a lifestyle boutique with currently 2 locations in Columbus, Ohio, hosted an event on October 22nd, 2015 called THREAD of HOPE: A THREAD fashion presentation benefiting Sam’s Fans. All proceeds from the event went to Sam's Fans to bring music and art therapy to more kids like Sam. We are honored to have had the opportunity to create this video in Sam's honor for the THREAD of Hope event!

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