Wednesday, August 5, 2015

The Rebrand- New Website & New Vision

We have changed so much as a company since our last website update and rebrand about three years ago. We no longer see ourselves as just an audio & video production company. We have become an extension of our client's marketing department. A creative partner that has a seat at the table during the initial brainstorming session of a client's campaign. We collaborate on creative direction and bring our knowledge and experience of video production to our partnerships. We create stories that consumers want to be a part of, share and ingest. We have also learned the best practices of building a strategy around the promotion and distribution of the video content we create.  I invite you to visit our new website to find out more about our work and how our video campaigns can help you and your company.  Subscribe to our newsletter here.


Jason Clayton
Chief Marketing Officer
Vital Companies
o. 614.294.1306

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