Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Why Are Marketing Companies The Last Ones To Update Their Own Marketing?

So we are in the process of our own marketing audit trying to get our poop in a group.  You know website, email marketing, content marketing, social channels, brand consistency etc. I know I'm not speaking for all marketing companies but I have certainly worked with and for marketing companies that do fantastic work for their clients but do a terrible job of keeping up with their own marketing. We all get it, who wants to eat hotdogs if you work in a hotdog factory?  Clean your house, if you clean homes for a living? Since we are going through this process at the moment, I thought I would share some things that has helped us. 

1.  Create the Master Plan.
  • Make sure you create a marketing plan that others can follow and take over if needed
  • Measure twice, cut once- create an efficient process that is easily followed
  • Measure the results- its not marketing if you can't measure it and be able to improve on it
2.  Become your own client.
  • Put it through the same process you do for your own clients
  • Determine the need, solution and implementation 
3.  Put a real number on it. 
  • Track all of your hours it takes to accomplish your marketing objective
  • That includes brainstorming, creative, production, delivery 
  • Tracking expenses allows you to measure your ROI
4.  Make it as creative as you can.
  • Everyone is inspired and amazed by creativity. 
  • Clients pay lots of money for it because its a differentiator 
  • It's what makes us want to binge on Netflix  
  • It makes an average band like OK GO a lot better
5.  Keep it in house if possible.
  • Make sure you have a handoff strategy- if you have the resources to do it yourself
  • Treat it like a job- assign the responsibility to a team of people
  • Train multiple people- incase of turnover or time off
  • Make sure it's easily updated- most marketers don't write code
Here are our recent live action and motion graphics reels that came out of our audit.  Thanks for taking a look!  Hope this helps!

Give me a call to find out how Vital can help you with your next digital video campaign.

Jason Clayton
Chief Marketing Officer
o  614.294.1306
m 614.270.5100

1 comment:

  1. Every marketing company has their own marketing plan. If a marketing company don't do marketing for themselves, they will not able to reach to the audience and con't achieve their goal. Best marketing agency
