Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Watch These Videos to See What Great Libraries Can Create?

Great libraries are more than just a home for books; they are community centers that reflect the unique needs of the people they serve. To ensure Columbus Metropolitan Library continues to serve our community well into the future, it must revitalize and transform branches to meet the demands of the 21st century community.

CML has embarked on an ambitious plan to revitalize seven urban branches and two suburban branches, and make transformational changes to our Main Library. Through these new and renewed libraries, we will create spaces where our community will dream, innovate, learn, share, connect and grow.

See what is happening to Driving Park. Watch this video to see the positive statistic in the community.

Help support our Columbus Metropolitan Library: For more great stories and how to donate, follow this link http://www.greatlibrariescreate.org/

A Vital Companies Production- http://www.vitalcompanies.com/

Give me a call to find out how Vital can help you with your next digital video campaign.

Jason Clayton
Chief Marketing Officer
o  614.294.1306

m 614.270.5100

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