Wednesday, April 22, 2015

DigFest Video Campaign- Drive Awareness & Conversion For Your Event!

The Grandview Digfest is celebrating its 5th year on Saturday June 13th and ever growing. Last year close to 5,000 people attended the one day event at The Yard in Grandview. Digfest was conceived by The Grandview Chamber of Commerce in 2011 as a festival to celebrate local craft brewers, craft distilleries, Ohio wines and liqueurs.  The event has grown by a thousands people each year despite a minimal marketing and advertising budget.

While most people in Grandview and the surrounding area's are familiar with the event, it is still not that well known by any of the outlying neighborhoods in Columbus. Being a part of the Digfest event committee, we really wanted to step up the customer experience and attendance for the 5 year anniversary.  So, Vital created this video marketing campaign I would like to share with you.

Why Use Video To Drive Consumers Behavior?
  • 74% of all internet traffic in 2017 will be video 
  • 52% of marketing professionals worldwide name video as the type of content with the best ROI 
  • 65% of video viewers watch more than ¾ of a video
  • In an eye-mapping study of Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs), video results commanded more attention than other listings 
  • 93% of marketers use video for online marketing, sales or communications
  • Video in email can boost open rates by 20% and increase click-through rates 2-3X 
  • Using the word “video in email subject lines boosts open rates 19%, click-through rates by 65%, and reduces unsubscribes by 26%
  • B2B and B2C marketers worldwide name video as a top 3 most effective social media marketing tactic 
  • 33% of tablet owners watch one hour of video per day on their device
  • 50% of Youtube views are now being watched on smartphones

Our DigFest Video Campaign Strategy
Our marketing objective this year was to promote the ability to purchase pre sale tickets. This is the first year we are offering pre sale ticket packages.  If you have ever been to DigFest you know that there can wait times in lines to purchase food and drink tickets.  Our objective was two fold- promote the pre sale packages and build and build event awareness. Here is how we established our strategy.
  • Define your target costumer/demographic
  • Define your content marketing mission statement
  • Understand where that costumer/demographic lives online
  • Establish what type of content is best consumed by your costumer/demographic
  • Establish the proper distribution channels and define why?
  • Find influencers that will help share your message with their readers
  • Create targeted content and a call to action for customer conversion for example:
    • What are the benefits of pre sale and what is the value proposition?
    • Skip the Ticket Lines
    • Get a Larger 16 oz Pour 
    • Get a Discount on your VIP Package vs. buying day of the event.

Its important to understand the demographic you are trying to reach and what type of "Snackable" content they would want to consume and hopefully share.  DigFest has done a great job of developing their brand and we wanted to create content that would resinate with their diverse age demo and show the importance of supporting local businesses in a fun and entertaining way.  We also wanted it to be unique, different and a bit quirky creative.

So we decided to create "The Brewshack Throw Back".   A brewers Our goal was to create sharable content to provide more information about the event and hopefully convert customers in purchasing pre sale tickets as well as marketing the event and encourage them to attend.
  • We created 6 short form video's to grab the viewers attention and drive them to a longer form video video with a call to action.  We will be releasing these videos weekly up to the event.
  • In the long form video we interviewed some of the brewers who are attending DigFest. 

Help Get The Word Out And Build A New Audience- Create An Influencers List
Find like minded people, places and organization that would be willing or have an interest in sharing your content. We define influencers as bloggers, vendors, members, associations, media organizations that were creating content of interest to our target audience. It's easier to share your content with influencers than to try to grow your social channels.

Define what distribution channels you will be using and why? This should correlate with the campaign strategy. These are our distribution channels we selected based on our marketing objectives.
  • The Digfest Website is the main resource for messaging because we have control of the content.  We are not renting or depending on any other source but what we own and can control.
  • Youtube is our video silo.  It is the one video source from where all other distribution sources will embed the videos. This allows us to pull analytics from one source and follow where the various traffic initiates and why?
  • The Digfest Facebook page has over 1200 followers that said they would be attending this years event.  This is a perfect targeted demographic where we will share all of our video content and event updates to the event.
  • Twitter is where we will be retweeting to our Influencers List and pushing our all other content and messaging to the DigFest website.
  • The Grandview Chamber has a well established email marketing list of all of its members that we will use to push out content and promote event.  
  • Writing a press release is a great way to promote the event free.  
  • Influencers will be tapped to share our content with their social channels and their customers.

Editorial Calendar- Who, What, Where & When It's Distributed.
The most important part of any campaign is to create an editorial calendar.  This is your master plan of who, what, where and when your content is published.  We (Vital) will be creating and publishing most of the content but we are also working in conjunction with other marketing teams and influencers to assist us. So we created a sharable Google Editorial Calendar so everyone can work in tandem.  Everyone involved can see the master plan, track their responsibilities and stick to deadlines. Here is a great article on how to create and editorial calendar.

Measure The Campaign Results
Marketing is not a perfect science but the nice thing about online video campaigns is that it is very trackable and you can measure to see what is working and what is not.  Every distribution outlet has some reporting format that can be analyzed.  Before you start distributing your video content its important to create a baseline.  What is your starting point? How many views, how many followers, how many shares, how many retweets.. etc.  Make sure you track it on a daily, weekly, monthly basis depending on your campaign needs.

Some of Youtube's Reporting Capabilities.
  • How many times the video was watched
  • How long the video was watched
  • What age demographic watched it- Age group, male or female and where geographically
  • The video viewing source- from search, outside link, social channel, suggested view etc. 
  • Was the video shared or reposted?
  • Did the viewer respond to the call to action?

What is success for us?  Sell more pre sale tickets and reach a larger audience for Digfest 2015, but most importantly lets all have fun. Hope to see you there!



DigFest Website

DigFest Pre Sale Tickets

Give me a call to find out how Vital can help you with your next digital video campaign.

Jason Clayton
Chief Marketing Officer
o  614.294.1306
m 614.270.5100

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Why Are Marketing Companies The Last Ones To Update Their Own Marketing?

So we are in the process of our own marketing audit trying to get our poop in a group.  You know website, email marketing, content marketing, social channels, brand consistency etc. I know I'm not speaking for all marketing companies but I have certainly worked with and for marketing companies that do fantastic work for their clients but do a terrible job of keeping up with their own marketing. We all get it, who wants to eat hotdogs if you work in a hotdog factory?  Clean your house, if you clean homes for a living? Since we are going through this process at the moment, I thought I would share some things that has helped us. 

1.  Create the Master Plan.
  • Make sure you create a marketing plan that others can follow and take over if needed
  • Measure twice, cut once- create an efficient process that is easily followed
  • Measure the results- its not marketing if you can't measure it and be able to improve on it
2.  Become your own client.
  • Put it through the same process you do for your own clients
  • Determine the need, solution and implementation 
3.  Put a real number on it. 
  • Track all of your hours it takes to accomplish your marketing objective
  • That includes brainstorming, creative, production, delivery 
  • Tracking expenses allows you to measure your ROI
4.  Make it as creative as you can.
  • Everyone is inspired and amazed by creativity. 
  • Clients pay lots of money for it because its a differentiator 
  • It's what makes us want to binge on Netflix  
  • It makes an average band like OK GO a lot better
5.  Keep it in house if possible.
  • Make sure you have a handoff strategy- if you have the resources to do it yourself
  • Treat it like a job- assign the responsibility to a team of people
  • Train multiple people- incase of turnover or time off
  • Make sure it's easily updated- most marketers don't write code
Here are our recent live action and motion graphics reels that came out of our audit.  Thanks for taking a look!  Hope this helps!

Give me a call to find out how Vital can help you with your next digital video campaign.

Jason Clayton
Chief Marketing Officer
o  614.294.1306
m 614.270.5100

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Watch These Videos to See What Great Libraries Can Create?

Great libraries are more than just a home for books; they are community centers that reflect the unique needs of the people they serve. To ensure Columbus Metropolitan Library continues to serve our community well into the future, it must revitalize and transform branches to meet the demands of the 21st century community.

CML has embarked on an ambitious plan to revitalize seven urban branches and two suburban branches, and make transformational changes to our Main Library. Through these new and renewed libraries, we will create spaces where our community will dream, innovate, learn, share, connect and grow.

See what is happening to Driving Park. Watch this video to see the positive statistic in the community.

Help support our Columbus Metropolitan Library: For more great stories and how to donate, follow this link

A Vital Companies Production-

Give me a call to find out how Vital can help you with your next digital video campaign.

Jason Clayton
Chief Marketing Officer
o  614.294.1306

m 614.270.5100