Monday, August 31, 2015

3 Factors That Will Help Bring More Film Production To Columbus!

Greater Columbus Film Commission
Executive Director
John Daugherty

As the newly appointed Executive Director of the Greater Columbus Film Commission I am thrilled with the task of growing the film industry in Columbus. Over the past few years the Columbus city administration has acknowledged that film can truly be a viable industry in Columbus. But we have some hurdles. And that’s why I feel one of the most important aspects of my job right now is to raise awareness for the film commission and what it is we do. The biggest hurdle we face right now is our crew base. It isn’t as robust as it should be. We’ve been stuck in the chicken/egg scenario for some time now…productions won’t come to Columbus because crew isn’t here, and crew isn’t here because productions aren’t frequent enough. Over the past few months we’ve identified three-steps that we think will help grow our crew base and industry:

1) Continue to promote and maintain our state incentives as well as lobby for a city incentive. If we can implement some type of city incentive Columbus will have a huge advantage over other Ohio cities.

2) Collaborate with and support LOCAL indie productions. There’s no better way to grow our crew base than to make it a grass roots effort.

3) Finally, I feel this may be the most important: CREATE A CULTURE OF SUPPORT. Columbus prides itself on being an arts city. As an arts city though, we need to embrace film in a bigger way. If we’re able to do that I think the city becomes aware of the importance of film as a real industry here. That leads to a more efficient permitting process, small businesses being open to the filmmakers and the filmmaking process, and locations becoming more welcoming to both film and corporate work. 

I’m an impatient person. And unfortunately this is going to take some time. So this process goes against my nature. We ARE taking the steps to grow film. And I hope you will spread the word about what we’re trying to do. More importantly, I hope you help create that culture of support. That support includes financial support. My job is supposed to be a part-time job. The hours are most definitely NOT part-time. I would love to be able to make this my only job. And hire a small staff. Cleveland has it. Why don’t we? The film commission will be debuting our membership program in the coming months. I’d love to add you to our mailing list so I can let you know first when we do that. Email me to be added to the list:

This coming Wednesday, September 2, I am honored to be part of the Mayor’s Small Business Conference to speak about the film industry in Columbus. I’ll be a guest on the “Business Unusual: March Madness, Movie Stars and Brunch” panel. This panel will explore a few very different but also closely related rising industries in Central Ohio. Hospitality, sports and film have continued to provide many opportunities for our local small business community. I will offer some thoughts on local economics and business opportunities associated with the business of film. If you will be attending the MSBC the panel will take place 11:00-11:50am. For more information on the conference go here:

I welcome your input and your comments. Feel free to reach out to me via email at

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