Monday, September 21, 2015

Working with Kids On Film Sets

Working on set can be a lot of fun in many ways. Yes, you're all there to do a job and get the job done in a reasonable time but being on set is a fun way to get to meet people in the talent industry.

One of our latest jobs was working with kids. On this particular shoot, we got to work with talent that was much younger than our usual. We had the privilege of shooting with talent under the age of five. 

There are a few things you may not think about prior to the shoot date. There's a lot that goes into creating those perfect shots with kids this young. It's also pretty cute having them on set all day. 

Here are some things to think about!

Work Around Their Schedule: 

Children on set need things. They need snacks, lunch and in most cases nap time! Be considerate of their routines and schedules. Think about an appropriate call time to have them on set. There's a lot that goes on, setting up lighting, creating the shot, loading in equipment, etc. Have the call time set to where they won't have to be waiting too long.

Monkey See Monkey Do: 

Kids at this age are great at mimicking others. If there's a particular scene you need, show them how you would do it first and let them follow your lead. It helps them know exactly what you're asking of them.

One Voice: 

Be sure to have one person as the child's go-to. Whether it be a parent or a Production Assistant, have one person speak to them. It's hard enough being on-camera when you're that young and to have multiple people telling you what they want you to do all at once can be overwhelming.

Upbeat & Excited: 

Kids will respond to your energy. Keep it positive and energetic. Say things like; you're doing great, that was awesome, keep it up, we loved it, etc.

Lastly, and possibly most important...

Refrain from using the term "One Last Time":

Once you've said "one last time" for the third or fourth time, kids stop believing it will actually be the last time and it will become discouraging. Whether you didn't get the shot because of a missed line or the boom was in the shot, the child may start thinking they're doing something wrong.

Bonus thoughts: 

*Keep kid-friendly snacks on set, juice boxes, fruit snacks, etc. 
*Be cautious having them eat while in wardrobe
*Play and have fun with them in-between shots

Be considerate of their schedules, make it fun for them and have fun doing it!

For questions or advise working with children on set, feel free to contact me.


Shyla Bohrer

Vital Companies 
Office Manager
o. 614.294.1306
m. 724.986.4788

Subscribe to our weekly email The Vital News

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Vital Teams Up with The University District to Teach OSU Students How to Film B-Roll

The University District came to us asking if we could help them with an upcoming project to produce a series of videos highlighting the University District and how living there has many benefits. 

The District was given a grant for this project and one of the requirements was to include OSU students in some way. We wanted to help so we set up a class to teach those students how to film B-roll so they could be included in the project.

For those that may not know, B-roll is the extra footage captured to enrich the story you're telling and to have greater flexibility when editing. Instead of featuring only talking heads on video, you want to have other images you can cut away to that will add dimension to your story. 

The students participated in the class we provided and they were off! We gave them a good direction and specific subjects to film and we were able to use some of the footage they captured for the videos we created for UDO.

It was a fun opportunity for us and a great learning experience for the students. 


Jason Clayton
Chief Marketing Officer
Vital Companies
o. 614.294.1306
m. 614.270.1500

Subscribe to our weekly email The Vital News

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Vital Companies in 3D!

                                                  Click here to watch the video

Vital Companies now has 3D animation capabilities! 

Thanks for watching! 

Contact us today or visit our website here.


Jason Clayton
Chief Marketing Officer
Vital Companies
o. 614.294.1306
m. 614.270.1500

Subscribe to our weekly email The Vital News